I am a stay at home mom-to-be, why should I keep on buying bra's? I answer this question very often, but today, a young mom-to-be was ...
I am a stay at home mom-to-be, why should I keep on buying bra's? I answer this question very often, but today, a young mom-to-be was very adamant. No amount of explanation could convince her as she considered it a waste of money.Hence I strongly felt that I must share this information with all.
During pregnancy proper support for the growing breasts is a must. This rule equally applies to small & big bust size ladies. By not wearing a bra for the better part of the day, the chances of breasts sagging during pregnancy is extremely high.
Sagging will increase post-delivery if nursing bra's are avoided for nursing baby. Breasts are a women's https://www.facebook.com/notes/paris-m2b/i-am-a-stay-at-home-mom-to-be-why-should-i-keep-on-buying-bras/10151554911730598