Discreet Nursing Style 2811

Discreet Nursing Style No 2811,

This was one of the 1st styles I designed when the whole designing for maternity/nursing wear was happening. My memories of embarrassment on being subjected to furtive stares by all female and male relatives who dropped into to congratulate when my baby was born was the inspiration. 

A new mom is 1st of getting adjusted to having a wriggling, hungry, her sweet baby in her arms, who is bawling to be fed and at that time all these well wishers are just gaping at her! Poor girl, till the day before she has not exposed at all and after baby is born, all and sundry want to gawk at her breasts, why? How awkward and embarrassing for her?

This is the side view
The tying option is on both sides.
The inner panel slit through which a mom
opens her inner-wear for baby to nurse.

This was my motivation while designing this style and all the other discreet nursing wear styles.
This is how the kurta looks from
the front, with the flap tied back

I am very much there to guide you, so please don't hesitate to connect with me. You can reach me at parishc@gmail.com for any queries, doubts or clarifications or inbox on the FB page- 

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