Bra Selection During Pregnancy.

Bra Selection During Pregnancy
At the store many expectant mom’s I meet tell me that they simply do not know how to select a comfortable and longer lasting bra during pregnancy. If they buy a very loose one, they are afraid of sagging and tight is obviously uncomfortable, if just slightly loose then within 15 days to a months time they have to shop again. Many stay at home expectant mom’s avoid wearing due to this problem and that can create other issues which I will cover in another blog.
We used to sell inner-wear/lingerie at our stores for many years and during this period from the knowledge gained I have helped many expectant mom’s and other ladies in selecting proper bras. What I have shared with them, sharing it here online so that my knowledge can be useful to a larger number of expectant mom’s.
A simple technique which I recommend at Pari's M2B.
  • 1st cardinal rule and it is the most important one! - Never buy a bra without trial, avoid just picking up the next size. Most of the times it will not fit properly and it can go waste or you may wear it & be very very uncomfortable.
  • At the belt- Most bra's come with 3 sets of loops, during pregnancy, you should buy a bra which is fitting in the tightest loop. This is so that as your growth increases, you can loop in 2 and then in 1. This will give you 2 inches growth space.
  • At the cup- When you try the bra, check the cup fitting, it should not be fitting snug, if B cup is fitting perfectly, then go for C cup. If your favorite brand is not giving you the space, then go for another brand. It is very very important to be comfortable in your bra, as- A tight bra can block the milk ducts,cause severe itching & be the cause of a backache.
  • Cotton Stretch- For your comfort, buy hosiery fabric bras, these fabrics are stretchable and will expand to provide proper growth space, due to this you will not feel suffocated and breathless.
  • This technique ensures that the bra's you buy will fit comfortably for a longer duration.
My favorite message to all mom-to-be's......
When you are comfortable on the inside, you are comfortable on the outside :-) Do write in for any queries at FB or email me at
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Additionally the following article I found on the net also has some excellent guiding points,

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  1. Thanks for this post. Selecting the best maternity nursing bra during your motherhood journey is very important because this is the basic and everyday wearing maternity cloth.


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